As a fun little Summer offer, I've hidden a discount code somewhere on the website. It's not too hard to find if you do a little browsing, and if this proves popular I may do some giveaways in the same manner in the not too distant future. The offer is valid until 21st May 2017. Happy hunting.
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You may have noticed that there haven't been very many new releases from Hidden Moves this year. I won't bore you with the details, but I'm doing my best to remedy the situation. So, with that said, here's something I've been working on.
And here's a colour variant to add a little variety.
Alrighty, it's that time again: the yearly blog post. Well, it's not supposed to be yearly, but I seem to have a hard time keeping you guys updated. That's going to change starting right about now.
I'm releasing 4x6 inch art cards for those who want a mini version of my larger prints. These cards...
You may notice a few changes to the website over the next few days. Everything should be business as usual, so please continue as normal. Oh, and here's a cheeky discount code for taking the time out of your busy day to read this. Just enter the code at the shopping cart stage to get 13% off your...
Good afternoon, all. If you've visited the site over the last year or two you may have noticed an appalling lack of updates. Errm, sorry about that. I've basically taken some time off to get a few things sorted and to refresh my head a bit. I'm hoping to be able to show some new work within the n...
My current blog posts are averaging one a year so it's time for the annual update, 2014. I've been working tirelessly (this is completely untrue) to increase the selection of prints available in the online shop, and today's addition is titled Casual Fridays. I've also introduced framed prints whi...